Corral Super AB 250 Electric Fence Unit


Referencias específicas

  • universal, very powerful 12 volt battery unit for mobile use, ideal for horses and cattle
  • two separate LEDs for fence voltage and battery control
  • the shock strength can be steplessly adjusted with the manual controller (1 - 10)
3.2 kg
34 x 25 x 40 cm
power consumption
150 mA
tensión máx.
10500 V
Voltage at 500 Ohm
4600 V
Stored Energy
2.3 J
Max. Output Energy
1.5 J
Min. Output Energy
Theoretical Fence Length VDE (by 2000 V)
40 km
Max. Fence Length with no Vegetative Growth
10 km
Max. Fence Length with Average Vegetative Growth
4 km
Max. Fence Length with High Vegetative Growth
1.5 km
Number of Electrifiable Nets
Grounding Pins 1 m
Grounding Pins 2 m